
Opportunities across the quantum computing stack

Tue Feb 18, 2025 10:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m.
students gather outside to enjoy the beauty of Yale's campus

Algorithms, Operating Systems, Codes, Control Layers, and Hardware
This two-day workshop will focus on novel approaches to fault tolerance in quantum computers and address key challenges that must be met to move beyond the NISQ era.


Date & Time: Tuesday, February 18, 10:00AM to Wednesday, February 19, 3:00PM.

Location: Yale Quantum Institute, 17 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT.

Traveling to Yale

Hotel Accommodations: Please be sure to make your reservation.

A room block at the Omni New Haven at Yale under the name “YQI ERASE Workshop” at a discounted rate of $175.00 per night.  The discounted rate will expire on Friday, February 14, 2025.  Any reservations made after the cutoff date will pay full rate of stay.

Travel Award:  Attendees will be reumburse up to $800 to offset your costs on lodging and travel, and Invited Speakers will be fully reumbursed. This workshop is funded by the NSF Quantum Testbed (U.S. National Science Foundation NQVL Award# 2435244) You must follow the regulations of the Fly American Act  and Open Skies Agreement.   




Feb 18




10:00 AM

CHECK IN (30 mins) - YQI Seminar Room - 17 Hillhouse Avenue  

10:30 AM

Welcome and NQVL-ERASE Overview (30 mins)Steve GirvinYQI

11:00 AM

Session 1 - Erasure qubits testbed (30 mins)  

11:30 AM

Panel Q&A (15 mins)  

11:45 AM

Breakout Discussions (45 mins)  

12:30 PM

LUNCH (1 hr) - YQI Seminar Room  

1:30 PM

Report out (15 mins)  

1:45 PM

Session 2a - Classical Processing and Real-Time Control (20 mins)Alex McCaskeyNVIDIA

2:05 PM

Session 2b - Trapped Ion Hardware (20 mins)  

2:25 PM

Panel Q&A (15 mins)  

2:40 PM

Breakout Discussions (45 mins)  

3:25 PM

COFFEE BREAK (15 mins) - YQI Seminar Room  

3:40 PM

Report out (15 mins)  

3:55 PM

Session 3a - QEM with Erasure Qubits (20 mins)Yongshan DingYQI

4:15 PM

Session 3b - QEC with Erasure Qubits (20 mins)Shruti PuriYQI

4:35 PM

Panel Q&A (15 mins)  

4:50 PM

Breakout Discussions (45 mins)  

5:35 PM

Report out (15 mins)  

6:00 PM

RECEPTION (1.5 hrs) - Mory's - 306 York St  




Feb 19




8:30 AM

BREAKFAST (30 mins) - YQI Seminar Room - 17 Hillhouse Avenue  

9:00 AM

NQVL-ERASE Regroup (30 mins)  

9:30 AM

Session 4a - Algorithms and Applications (20 mins)  

9:50 AM

Session 4b - QEC decoding (20 mins)  

10:10 AM

Panel Q&A (15 mins)  

10:25 AM

Breakout Discussions (50 mins)  

11:15 AM

Report out (15 mins)  

11:30 AM

LUNCH (1 hr) - YQI Seminar Room  

12:30 PM

Session 5a - Software Toolchain (20 mins)Yufei DingUCSD

12:50 PM

Session 5b - Compiler (20 mins)Josh IzaacPennylane

1:10 PM

Panel Q&A (15 mins)  

1:25 PM

Breakout Discussions (50 mins)  

2:15 PM

Report out (15 mins)  

2:30 PM

Conclude (30 mins)  

3:00 PM